
mountain dulcimer

Skill Levels? How do I compare?

by Steve Eulberg

All of us ask this question at some time or another.

What is my skill level as a musician?  What is my skill level on THIS instrument that I am learning to play?

From a practical perspective, this is how many festivals and workshops ask us to assess ourselves as we enroll in classes and workshops.  I learned this first hand when I started the Colorado Dulcimer Festival many years ago.  This was the question asked both by the students and the teachers with whom we contracted to pr…

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Bing Futch

by Linda Ratcliff
I think one of our favorite mountain dulcimer players is Bing Futch. You never know what's gonna happen next at a Bing Futch show. Using Appalachian mountain dulcimer, Native American flute, ukulele, drums and electronic effects, he deftly navigates the varied waters of traditional and modern Americana with passion, wit and a genuinely huge heart for sharing music with a crowd.
Bing can often be found teaching music workshops at various festivals and colleges, presentin…

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Chopin's Raindrop Prelude for dulcimer!

by Steve Eulberg I've always been drawn to this lovely prelude by Frederic Chopin, and being able to arrange it and play it on mountain dulcimer feels awesome! I have been been hard at work filming and editing this lesson for mountain dulcimer players on DulcimerCrossing and am delighted to report that it is finally ready!

Chopin wrote this piece in the key of Dflat, and I am playing it in that key, tuning everything 1/2 step lower to Db-Ab-db, but the musical score is written in the mo…

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Blue Water Thinking

by Linda Ratcliff

Creativity is a wild mind and a disciplined eye. - Dorothy Parker

My husband and I moved this week, and we now live in our RV on Watts Bar Lake in Tennessee. We have a beautiful view of the lake, right out our back window. Actually, we’re parked on a peninsula, so we can see water from every window in the RV.

I began to wonder if the change in scenery would have any impact on my creativity, so I did some research. I found an article about how our surroundings impact creative think…

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Original Music on DulcimerCrossing

by Linda Ratcliff

Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.  

Original Tunes by Steve Eulberg

Sometimes we forget to count our blessings.  And one very BIG blessing we have at Dulcimer Crossing is Steve Eulberg.

He is our co-founder, teacher, performing artist, and song-writer.  Several of our lessons feature original tunes by Steve. 
  • Elk in the Meadow
  • Club Footed Jib
  • Blacktail Weasel & the Ground Squirrel Cl…

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Are You Hooked on Dulcimers?

by Linda Ratcliff

Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire. - Unknown

Proverbs 23:7 says, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” So what do you think about the most? What's close to your heart?  For many of you - it’s all about your dulcimer and dulcimer music, dulcimer events, dulcimer friends, dulcimer accessories. Here’s a little test to check your dulci-meter.

You might be hooked on dulcimers if …
  • When you get in the car, you pop in a dulcimer CD.
  • You have a 10” 3-ring …

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Papa-Daughter Concert Window Highlight

by Steve Eulberg

Back when I gave my daughter a Backyard Dulcimer kit for Christmas when she was five, I don't even think I could have imagined the joy that playing a full concert set together would bring to this Papa's heart! Recently we gave an Advent concert on Concert Window and this is the highlight video of one of our family's favorite tunes:  Mary & the Baby (Sweet Lamb)  [My $25 Patrons have access to the entire archive video of the concert on Patreon]

This traditional tune was colle…

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Find Somewhere Quiet

by Linda Ratcliff

It is in that quiet place at our center that we hear the whispers of our soul. - Sue Krebs

Find somewhere quiet. This almost seems too obvious to really need to say. But it's important.  Many of you probably have a special room, or your own corner of the living room for practicing your dulcimer. When you have a designated quiet place to practice, you will be less likely to cave in to distractions.

In addition, going to your special practice area helps prepare you mentally for gett…

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Trust Your Practice

by Steve Eulberg While at Camp Kiya at Tehachapi Mountain Park, Steve records the following tip for Habits for Your Healthy Music Habitat.

This is part of a weekly email video benefit that all of our Premium Members at DulcimerCrossing receive.  Subscribe and you can receive it, too!

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Does My Dog Love My Dulcimer Music?

by Linda Ratcliff

Where there are dogs and music, people have a good time.

I've always wondered if my hammered dulcimer music hurts my dog's ears. When I was in college and practiced piano for hours at a time, my dad would escape to the garage in desperation and hammer nails for a while, and my dog would eventually start to howl.

Today, when I'm practicing on my hammered dulcimer, I play some pretty high tones. But Keyla always sits in the chair right next to me and stays with me the whole time. Do…

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